It includes special features which allows tribes to interact with elements like, witches
with magical powers `who can weaken the enemy in battle or turn them
into frogs` or visit Stonehenge to invoke the gods `who can fill your
enemy with the plague` or kidnap dinossaur eggs for breeding or
ultimately hunt the infamouse T-Rex, train it, then ride on it`s back
into battle to tear your enemy apart with one single bite.
It will have digitized sound effects, 300Mb of 3D Animations and 5 movie sequences. A very exciting feature is it having TCP/IP support for 4 Player Multi-Play across modems and the internet. It's absolutely full of features and it will be interesting to see how they will work in the game but it does appear that we should keep a close eye on Caveman Species. It should be ready for release in the Summer.